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CONGO Community Wiki

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This wiki is for users of the CONGO Event Management System who are interested in downloading and maintaining their own installation. If you have questions on these documents, or are interested in contributing, drop mail to and someone will be in touch.

Current version: (1/15/2017) (see ReleaseNotes for details)

Configuration and Operation

So now you have CONGO up and running, and have a login. What are the first steps?

  • Terminology - CONGO uses a lot of terms for things. Find out what they all mean
  • PaypalCredentials - If using Paypal, this is how to get Paypal account credentials
  • EventConfiguration? - The basics of your event. When, where, what.
  • RegistrationTypes - How will people be registering? This is where you set up "full registration" "Friday only", etc sort of settings
  • RegistrantProperties - Questions and options attendees can set on their registration
  • DiscountCodesHowTo - Want to have discount codes published to allow things like "10% off!", or allow a specialized price to certain people? Use discount codes!
  • Sample templates:
    Templates are used when sending out email to users, to recover passwords or as confirmation of a registration. There are two templates used by default that need to exist within CONGO. Here are sample layouts:
    • Email-1 This template is used when sending confirmation mail for registration
    • Reminder-1 This template is used when a users selects 'forgot password' in the public interface.


These documents have been provided by CONGO users and administrators. If you have documentation you'd like submitted to the community wiki, please contact and we can set you up with a login to the wiki.

  • Merging - How to work through merging two registrant ID's when there are duplicates.
  • Discount Codes - Working with Discount Codes
  • Friends - How does the Friends system operate? (Note 'Friends' has been replaced with 'Links')

See Also

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Page last modified on January 15, 2017, at 12:08 PM