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CONGO Terminology

CONGO uses a lot of specific terminology when talking about running an event. Here's a summary of terms you'll likely encounter while working with the system.

  • Registrant
    A registrant is a single person within the CONGO system. A single registrant may attend multiple Events, but there should be only one Registrant associated with any individual
  • Registrant ID or RID
    CONGO assigns a unique number to every Registrant. This number is neve re-used, and stays with the Registrant from event to event.
  • Event
    An Event can be thought of as a 'convention','conference', 'meeting', or the like. It is usually the thing you are inviting people to attend. A single Event may have (and usually does) have multiple Sessions going on within it (such as panels or talks).
  • Event ID or CID
    Each Event is assigned a unique ID when it is created. This ID is sometimes also referred to as a CID (or 'Convention ID', a holdover from older versions of CONGO.
  • Registration Type
    When a Registrant signs up to attend an Event, they register for the event using a Registration Type. Registration Types are used by event organizers to set different pricing and access levels for the event. Registration Types have their own individual pricing, so when a person buys a registration on line, they will be presented with the appropriate amount. Here are some example Registration Types:
    • FullWeekend - A Registrant who has full access to the event, all weekend
    • Friday - A single day pass
    • Exhibitor - A person who has access to the exhibitor areas as well as full attendance.
  • Template
    Templates are used for preformatted text, usually when sent in email. Any number of templates may be defined, and they can contain variables that will be substituted in when the email or the page is generated. See the template editor within CONGO for a list of available variables
  • Discount Code
    A discount code can be configured by the Administrator to allow special circumstances on registrations, such as a discount, making a registration type only avialable to people who have the discount code, etc. See DiscountCodesHowTo for details on setting up discount codes
  • Session (in Scheduling)
    A single function within an Event. Sometimes called Panels, Talks, etc.
  • Venue (in Scheduling)
    The location an Event is held in, such as specific hotel or convention hall.
  • Room (in Scheduling)
    An identifier specific to a Venue that defines a room's specific characteristics (size, location, accessibility, services offered, etc)
  • Category (in Scheduling)
    When doing sheduling, Categories may be set up to organize Sessions into groups. For example, a Session may be part of the "Writers" grouping.
  • Subscribed (Registrant Status)
    A person who has logged into the event via the public interface, but has not yet registered.
  • Registered (Registrant Status)
    A person who has successfully completed the registration process for the event (Registered and Paid)
  • Badged (Registrant Status)
    A person who has had a badge printed for them.
  • CheckedIn (Registrant Status
    A person who has been marked as 'checked in' - i.e., has picked up their badge.
  • Invoice
    Every time a transaction happens within CONGO that involves money, an Invoice is generated. Invoices track payments through CONGO. A single invoice may be responsible for registering multiple people.
  • COMP
    A general term used in many events to refer to someone who has been granted free admission to the event.
  • Badge
    A printed item that can contain artwork, information about the attendee, etc. Usually displayed on a lanyard or clip while at the event.
  • Banner
    A bit of text that can be printed on a badge related to a specific registration type. For instance, it is common for day badges to have large text saying the day the badge is limited to printed on the badge.
  • Link
    Registrants can be 'linked' together so one person can see the registration status of another, or register them. A common link setup would be parents who are registering multiple children. When they log into the public interface, their 'linked' registrants will show up and can be registered all at once. This can also be used for groups. Links can be created in the public interface by the registrant (using the Link function), or can be maintained by an Operator in the administrative interface.
  • Note
    Notes may be attached to a Registrant to convey information about that registrant, such as comments, information the checkin person may need, etc. Notes are only visible to Operators or Administrators. A Note may be flagged as a 'registration note', which means it will be prominently displayed to any Operator that looks up that registrant.
  • Property
    Properties may be set up to add additional information to registrant records. The Properties system is better described in the RegistrantProperties page.
  • History
    Anything that happens to a Registrant is recorded in their History. Registrations, transfers, emails, payments, all are visible on the History tab for each Registrant
  • Operator
    A Registrant that has access to the CONGO maintenance / administrative page (See RegistrantProperties)
  • Administrator
    A Registrant that has full control over a CONGO environment, including granting / revoking access for other users. All Administrators are by default Operators (See RegistrantProperties )

See Also

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Page last modified on August 28, 2013, at 12:36 PM