edit SideBar
All features and bugs reported here are logged in CONGO's github tracker, available here
2.1.4.x 6/1/2015-ish
- Further releases are published via rolling updates in github. 12/24/2013
- Fix for bug #311 - Invoices could end up in a READY state, even though they were Paid. Turns out it was a crash related to having no email available for a registrant.
- Fix for bug #316 - It was possible to re-register a registered person. Fixed so the option is not available on the public interface if the person is already registered.
- Fix for bug #301 - 'Invoice Search' fails when searching by ID
- A variety of bugfixes to the AfterEventExport? that avoid some crashes 6/9/2013
- New feature - Bulk import of registrant data in general colon separated form. 12/30/2012
- New feature #282 - Permissions for Operators have been restricted. An Operator no longer has access to any functions in the Maintenance menu
- New feature #168 - the phrasing 'Comp' was confusing in the reports menu. Added a function to registration types to tag what is a 'comp' and what is simply a 0 cost registration, and reports reflect this.
- Fix for bug #278 - Whitespeace in registration names were causing sort problems. Trim first, last, badge, and company name upon creation
- Fix for bug #198 - Problems in Discount code management causing odd Paypal failures finally quashed
- Fix for bug #227 - Alert notes not displaying propertly / disappearing when needed
- Fix for bug #148 - Properties on registrants were not displaying right on the summary screen
- Fix for bug #276 - Occasionally an exception would be thrown when creating a new Event
- New feature - Pie chart showing percentage of registrations broken down by registration type
- Fix for bug #272 - Previewing emails would someitmes cause an exception
- New feature - Attendance cap on all events, which will be displayed in the chart on the home page. 10/28/2012
- Fix for bug #271 - CONGO was regularly leaking database connections, which would cause server crashes after several hours of use. (or the server would completely stop responding). This is a major fix, and should be applied to all installations
- Fix for bug #119 - Invoice view should show entier badge name
- Fix for bug #268 - The 'expires' option on Registration Types was misleading
- Fix for bug #261 - Make 'meta event' and other properties uneditable when they're system settings.
- Fix for bug #258 - When using discounts in Paypal, may throw an error or miscalculate
- Fix for bug #265 - Set server properties may throw an error
- Fix for bug #266 - Set SMTP settings may throw an error
- Fix for bug #270 - When adding a new user, may throw an error
- In addition, there are several changes to the Liquibase configurations to allow hot updating of existing deployments and fixing some upgrade problems. 9/17/2012
- Fix for bug #260 - Writeins not showing the Paypal button when ready
- Fix for bug #257 - Configuration data may not be restored after initial database setup (such as auto_increments and indexes). Fixed.
- Fix for bug #259 - Link request emails were not displaying errors on send
- New feature - When clicking on buttons in the public interface, show user feedback that the button was actually 'clicked' by blinking the button 8/7/2012
- This is a bug fix release for a variety of problems with errors during email notification. 8/5/2012
- New feature #243 - Payment processing is now configurable via Maintenance->Payment settings
- New feature - SMTP gateway and authentication configurable via Maintenance->Mail server
- Lots and lots of small enhancements, fixes, and stability changes
- Fix for bug #248 - Can't log into previous years event
- Fix for bug #209 - Special characters in public interface would throw 'invalid' messages
- Fix for bug #149 - Unable to buy memberships for someone else after you've registered
- Fix for bug #208 - Able to modify an invoice after payment (in very special circumstances)
- Fix for bug #256 - Merge errors when hist_operator had alpha characters in it
- Fix for bug #250 - Reminder email was using the wrong 'setting'
- Fix for bug #255 - Easy to overflow description field when eidting registration types.
- Fix for bug #229 - Ability to change default payment type
- Fix for bug #249 - Regtype price 'null' would cause a crash
- Fix for bug #232 - Data overflow possibilities when editing contact information may cause crash
There are some functionality changes here that differ from previous releases:
- '' has been significantly trimmed down. Most properties are now in the settings table. The important changes are:
- congo.jdbcurl= jdbc:mysql://hostname/databaseinstance
- congo.user=databaseusername
- congo.password=databasepassword
- In this release, the file is hardcoded to the path /opt/congo/ - this may change in the future. 12/28/2011
- New feature #287 - Added a feature to the Maintenance page that shows various configuration problems in CONGO
- New feature #308 - New report for registration notes
- New feature #299 - Browse by 'checkedin' status as well as badged / registered
- Fix for bug #314 - When searching and including 'disabled', CONGO would get the 'disabled' text stuck. Fixed.
- Fix for bug #315 - Changed wording on Registrant Disabled page
- Fix for bug #313 - Cleanup of problems during merges
- Fix for bug #316 - Fix problem with email notifications not going out when registering 12/4/2011
- Fix for bug #309 - Merges were occasionally throwing stack traces. Reworked a lot of hte interface to hopefully prevent that
- Fix for bug #307 - Many functions missing in write-in registration on public interface including discount codes and data checks
- Fix for bug #281 - Accesskeys updated so most buttons have the correct visual cues for their alt keystroke.
- Fix for bug #305 - When doing a merge, also change Links
- Fix for bug #300 - This was fixed with #307 - adding content to already paid invoice
- Fix for bug #148 - Properties displaying wrong on registrant detail page
- New feature #306 - Filter on search results to include registered or badged results
- Fix for bug #302 - CSV export on reports not working
- Fix for bug #295 - Styling on property editor defaulting to old view
- Fix for bug #259 - No way to select template to use when previewing / sending email 10/17/2011
- Fix for bug #257 - Some pages still not skinned with new stylesheet
- Fix for bug #293 - Write-ins need 'email' prompt and saved for invoice processing
- Fix for bug #300 - Invoices were able to be modified after processing in public interface
- Fix for bug #298 - After-event export now includes status information
- New feature #290 - Ability to 'bulk add' registrants via paste-in form
- Fix for bug #297 - Print/Checkin screen was not submitting
- Fix for bug #285 - Fixed merge problems
- New feature -- Home page now has a chart showing number of registrants, number checked in, badged, and subscribed
- Fix for bug #292 - Report by Payment type was returning bad information
- Fix for bug #280 - Open invoice only viewable on home page
- Fix for bug #273 - Switching conventions in Maintenance did not actually change events
- Fix for bug #246 - Invoice should say "No history" if there's no history
- Fix for bug #288 - Write-ins were causing null pointer exception 8/14/2011
- Fix for bug #272 - Hotkey for print and check in were conflicting
- Fix for bug #283 - expand / collapse registrant history got disabled in v2.1 interface rewrite
- Fix for bug #288 - Write-in registrations would cause crash in public interface 8/12/2011
- For Links emails, use a template called "Link-1" instead of a hardcoded internal template. 7/28/2011
- Completely redesigned Coconut UI
- New 'Links' system that allows registrants to 'link' to each other, and share login / registration information
- Many many bug fixes and interface updates 1/7/2011
- Fix for bug #224 - discount codes were causing Paypal payments to fail
- Fix for bug #222 - badge print routine refactored to use XML settings and new PDF layout
- New feature #219 - Preview badge before printing
- New feature #220 - Hot key for close invoice (Z)
- Fix for bug #218 - null pointer exception when cancelling writeins
- Fix for bug #214 - Sequence order for regtypes was ignored on public interface
- Fix for bug #217 - Lookup matching multiple fields would show the results multiple times on searches.
- Fix for bug #216 - Create new regtype failing 12/20/2010
- New feature #210 - Discount Codes as 'passwords' for certain registration types
- Demoted a ton of logging down to INFO or WARN levels to limit log size.
- Fix for bug #213 - Added 'barred' view in registration type editor
- Fix for bug #212 - One reg type was reporting the wrong reg count
- Fix for bug #211 - Invoice browse was not paginating correctly
- Added 'help' text for template editor
- Fix for bug #148 - Registrant properties not displaying on registrant detail page
- Fix for bug #206 - Properties editing in public interface storing properties wrong 11/28/2010
- Fix for bug #196 - Crash when editing long zipcodes
- Fix for bug #188 - Comments on invoices not being stored
- New feature #198 - Discount codes now available for online sales
- Updated registrant status report to include calculated revenue numbers based on invoices
- Various database back end changes to support fractional dollar amounts in sales
- Refactoring Editor and DAO classes to standardize object definitions
- Updated to latest version of Struts2 10/10/2010
- Fix for bug #109 - Invoice browse should be smarter
- New feature #104 - Full 'operator' functionality enabled
- Fix for bug #200 - Crash when deleting a registrant
- Fix for bug #201 - Paypal calls now do not require a Paypal account - can pay with credit card 10/3/2010
- Emergency patch to fix a problem with MySQL? version incompatabilities 10/3/2010
- Fixed a rendering problem on the public interface with a background image.
- Fix for bug #194 - If an email address is associated with multiple registrants, don't do a password reset.
- New feature #156 - The public interface now allows registrants to view their purchase history
- Fix for bug #160 - Address sharing not visible on invoice
- New feature #192 - Lookup registrant now allows searching on email addresses
- Fix for bug #155 - Write-in property information not visible in invoices 9/27/2010
- Major rewrite of the public interface stylesheet - thanks to Emphasis Creative!
- Fix for bug #127 - Button text is too long - Fixed due to new stylesheet
- Fix for bug #167 - Update Profile should include updating contact info and opt-in preferences
- Fix for bug #8 - For CSS files, use getResourceAsStream in cssfetcher
- Fix for bug #184 Changing Properties 9/10/2010
- Fix for bug #189 After running ~15 merges, the server runs out of memory
- Fix for bug #186 Various crashes while editing contact information
- Fix for bug #185 Email not sent on public interface 9/1/2010
- Fix for bug #181 (Conflicting E-Mail Addresses) closed by dbs
- Fix for bug #182 (Error when editing badge name!) closed by dbs 8/26/2010
- Fix for crash during invoice view
- Fix for non-editable phone number in public view
- Fix for special characters in badge / first / last / company name 8/23/2010
- Feature request #176 - When merging registrants, put a history entry in the merged-to
- Fix for bug #179 - Editing contact information would reset registration state for registrant in public interface
- Fix for bug #178 - Duplicate of #179
- Fix for bug #152 - Password reset would not return to login screen
- Feature request #161 - Allow full contact editing in public interface
- Fix for bug #175 - Too long entries for property string values would throw an error during editing 8/6/2010
- Fix for bug #173 - When registering, CONGO would always send mail no matter what the settings
- Feature request #86 - Properties Report allows searching / reporting on property values
- Fix for bug #162 - No-payment registrations would cause error
- Feature request #73 - Viewing filtered registrant invoices now possible 7/14/2010
- Fix for bug #159 - Email not being sent for registrations 6/23/2010
- Fix for bug #158 - SQL error during browse invoice 6/21/2010
- Fix for bug #157 - 'mark as done' fails.
- Added ability to see 'unprocessed' registrations in invoice browse 6/5/2010
- Fix for bug #150 - Make link on the event name on the public interface a link to the event website
- Fix for bug #153 - Newly created accounts were not enabled by default
- Fix for bug #154 - Newly created accounts had their password set to NULL 5/18/2010
- Added ability to add 'writein' registrations on public interface for additional registrations
- Added 'picker' capability to properties and editable values in Property Editor
- Changed public interface to use new picker capability
- Fix for bug #47 - Properties totalling not working
- Fix for bug #144 - Zero-payment invoices not processing properly
- Many HTML fixes and layout updates in the public interface
- Fix for bug #147 - Ability to log into Coconut via email address
- Fix for bug #15 - Merge Registrant capability added
- Allow for disabled registrants - due to merge or necessary lockout. Edit screens updated to reflect change. 3/18/2010
- Fixed problem where invoice details wer enot showing up on paypal notifications / transaction logs
- Some small HTML formatting changes in the public interface
- Fix for bug #108 - Registrant type not showing up on search-by-registrant id
- Export after event now returns all records 3/10/2010
- Fix for template email template bug 3/10/2010 3/1/2010
- Fix for bug #122 - Now able to line-item delete something off an invoice
- Fix for bug #130 - registrant email in templates
- Fix for bug #139 - email not being sent on new registrations
- Fix for JSP case sensitive target that would cause resource not found error 1/21/2010
- Badge print reconfiguration for Arisia
- Support for 'PrintAs?' information when printing badges
- Reworked some HTML to fix button alignments
- Added transaction type to Invoice browse (Bug #124)
- Reset password in public interface fixed (Bug #125)
- Registrant status report reports paid/comped, and calculates revenue (Bug #85)
- Registrant by date report broken, now fixed (Bug #117) 1/9/2010
- "Badge" and "Checkin" buttons not sticking (Bug #110)
- Dropdown menus now ordered alphabetically, and for regtypes, they adhere to 'sequence number', allowing a 'default' regtype (Bug #111, #106)
- Notes can now be viewed on the view/add notes screen (Bug #97)
- A problem with how passwords were encrypted was fixed (Bug #115) 1/5/2010
- Maintenance hot-fix to address problem where 'badged/checkin' was being processed for all regs. 1/4/2010
- Counters for registered / subscribed now update on every webhit (Bug #103)
- Refactored much of the invoice processing to allow batch processing properly (not much change UI wise)
- Edit / Delete registration types now working (Bug #105)
- Now possible to add a comment when voiding (Bug #102)
- Whitespace searches are now properly trimmed from requests (Bug #88)
- Transfer capability enabled (Bug #48) 12/14/2009
- Editing properties could cause the edit to happen in the wrong event (Bug #96)
- Registration status could 'stick' if if a registration is voided (Bug #98)
- CONGO will report 'Community Edition' if a registration code is not available (Bug #13)
- Results of searches will have a secondary sort order of First name (Bug #101)
- Browse now lets you select view results by registration type
- Template editor implemented 11/27/2009
- Bad email addresses could cause mail notifications to crash (Bug #80)
- Public interface now handles logout sessions properly (Bug #35)
- Public interface now allows password changes
- A problem was fixed where adding someone to an existing invoice would sometimes not show the entire invoice (even though the invoice was
complete). (Bug #94)
- "browse" now limits the number of rows and allows paging forward and backwards (Bug #55)
- A 'hotfix' of broken addresses is included on the registrant page (click "Repair" to make contact information editable) (Bug #81)
- "Send to everyone" now works on multi-registrant invoices (Bug #82)
- A problem where invoice datestamps were not being set was fixed (Bug #93)
- "Registrant Report by Date" is now enabled and working (Bug #87 and #71) 11/11/2009
- Results of searches and browse are now in last name order
- There's a new feature in the 'show registrant' page that allows you to 'repair' a broken registrant record. If you see someone who has a bad
email, phone, or address row (has no Location), click 'Repair', and CONGO will fix the record. (Note hitting 'repair' on an okay record won't break
- Fixed a problem where editing Name data would make it impossible to register someone (thanks Danielle)
- Fixed some problems with the public interface that could cause stacktrace / dumps. 11/9/2009
- Browse and search will only show you 200 results (pagination in browse is being worked on)
- Searching is now substring sensitive. Searching for 'be' will match 'robert' and 'bespoke'
- Access to Coconut is no longer in server properties. Anyone with a registrant property of "Administrator" or "Operator" can log into coconut. This means anyone who already has access to Coconut can grant access for another user, just by setting the property. I've migrated everyone who was in the server property list to Administrators. (note 'operator' is not set as a property yet)
- When viewing a registrant, only the most recent 5 events are shown. The full list can be exposed using the '+' button on the right side of that panel, and collapsed again using '-'
- The search results are no longer in alphabetical order. I'll fix that one quickly.
- No pagination in Browse (or subsearch filtering)