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SQL Solutions

SQL Property Functions

The issue is with how Properties are handled. A property is essentially a 'flag' or extraneous data tacked onto a registrant. It can be "this person is staff for this event" to "this person is dead" (obviously not specific to the current event).

The administrator sets up Properties via the properties editor - properties are defined in the config_properties table (the Data class is PropertyConfiguration?), and looks like this:

CREATE TABLE config_properties (

  prop_cid int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  prop_name varchar(20) default NULL,
  prop_default varchar(100) default NULL,
  prop_type enum('boolean','string','float','date','numeric') default NULL,
  prop_regprompt tinyint(1) default NULL,
  prop_cost float(8,2) default NULL,
  KEY type (prop_cid),
  KEY name (prop_name),
  CONSTRAINT `config_properties_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`prop_cid`) REFERENCES `con_detail` (`con_cid`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `config_properties_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`prop_cid`) REFERENCES `con_detail` (`con_cid`) ON DELETE CASCADE

) TYPE=InnoDB?;

A registrant gets a property assigned to them by making an entry in the reg_properties table, which looks like this:

CREATE TABLE reg_properties (

  prop_rid int(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  prop_cid int(8) default NULL,
  prop_name varchar(20) default NULL,
  prop_value varchar(100) default NULL,
  KEY rid (prop_rid),
  KEY cid (prop_cid),
  CONSTRAINT `0_64` FOREIGN KEY (`prop_cid`) REFERENCES `con_detail` (`con_cid`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `0_62` FOREIGN KEY (`prop_rid`) REFERENCES `reg_master` (`master_rid`) ON DELETE CASCADE

) TYPE=InnoDB?;

(hmm, we'll need a foreign key there to the config_properties table to make sure a prop_name doesn't get set in reg_properties that's not in config_properties)

Anyway - if I want to mark someone as staff for the convention '55', and their registrant ID is '2001', i would:

1) make sure we had an entry in config_properties for 'staff' 2) insert into reg_properties values (2001,55,'staff','1'); (for boolean types, the literal '1' is used for true).

One caveat - if a property is global for a registrant, the 'cid' is set to '0' (means applies to all events -, ala, 'dead')

Typical properties used:

	Needs Early Checkin

Most of the other properties that have been used in the past (like 'thursday night stayover' or 'dinner saturday' will be taken care in the event editor - that's pending).

SQL Commands for Queries

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Page last modified on November 26, 2008, at 02:31 PM