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V2.ConfiguringCongo History

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Changed lines 11-13 from:
The replacement of @@${placeholder}@@s with values is handled entirely by Spring's [[|PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer]]. Whenever the configuration is changed via the web UI, validation logic runs against it, then the configuration is saved to a properties file in @@congo.home@@ (~/.congo/ by default), then the app context is refreshed, which reloads the properties file.

The validation in com.stonekeep.congo.config.schema.xml.SchemaDescriptionValidator is run at startup by Spring bindings in @@configurationManagement.xml@@. If the loaded configuration is valid, the application starts (or restarts) as normal and users can log in. If the configuration is ''not'' valid, then the application starts up in a "not configured" mode where most actions redirect the user to the configuration UI, which is temporarily available to unauthenticated users.
Added lines 1-11:
! Congo Configuration Management

Congo uses an overly-clever meta-configuration system to control the settings UI, configuration validation during startup, and saving configuration to disk. If you have a piece of Congo you need to make configurable, here's how:

# In @@src/main/resources/com/stonekeep/congo/config/schema/xml/@@ there is a schema file for the configuration, @@schema.xml@@. It's divided into @@<category>@@ sections, each of which has a list of @@<entry>@@s. Each entry defines a single configuration item; use the existing config entries as examples. Create a new category if necessary, and add a new entry for each configuration item. The @@key@@ attributes will be used to store the config in the file and to provide the config to the rest of the system, so keep track of them.
# In any of the Spring context XML files, add a property placeholder using your new @@key@@. If you add a configuration entry with @@key=""@@, to use the key in Spring, use @@${}@@.
# Redeploy CONGO.

!! How does this work?

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Page last modified on December 15, 2008, at 10:10 AM